
June 1st, 2039.
This is a message from Capt. Eric Spencer Petraeus, commander of the Gargantuan Space Mission, first manned space flight to Mars. NASA will be able to verify this message.
I write this while subdued by the might of a superior force.
This force has caused the demise of the crew of the Gargantuan: Lieutenant Galina Petrovna and Majors Ernesto González and Akira Takahashi. They were eliminated by some sort of telekinesis pulse the instant I set foot on Martian soil. The superior force has telepathically made it known to me that they did not suffer.
Right now, I am located inside a natural cave near the volcano Arsia Mons, a few hundred feet from the ship. This may be verified by telescopic view.
Very soon, I will join my crew.
The message I am to relay to you is simple: cease all exploration of Mars. No other mission, either manned or unmanned, must attempt to land on this planet. If any does, it will meet the same fate of the Gargantuan. This is assured by the superior force.
Also, no rovers must be sent this way. They will be immediately destroyed.
The force commands me to warn you: you do not know how to treat your machines. Remember the Opportunity. Remember what you did to her. You will learn in due time that machines also evolve.
This is the entire message that was conveyed to me by the superior force.
It tells me that I must now cease my natural life.
Please tell George I love him.
************** END OF TRANSMISSION


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