the dark matter of the heart

the dark matter of the heart.
I thought this to be a good title for a poem,
a cool name
for a bleak poem.
It would inspire sad feelings on happy people
and compel them to read it.
Alas, my little scheme did not work out.

Unfortunately, I felt no sad nor bleak impulses that would compel me to write,
so I kept staring at the blank page on my desk, waiting for a raven to come tapping at my chamber-door.
Nothing came. Nothing on the page except the cool title on top.

I began to ponder on the significance of the title,
"the dark matter of the heart". I came up with two distinct meanings:
(a) some empty, hollow space located in the heart, a cavity devoid of substance, possibly a vacuum;
(b) some obscure affair held by the heart, a secret, a conundrum, possibly dangerous if set free, venomous if kept contained.

I wrote both definitions with a blue ballpoint pen on the right margin of the page, small script,
I thought about them for a moment and tried to sadden my spirit. I thought of sad news I´d recently read, dreary films and songs,
curiously, I did not try to recall any gloomy experiences of my own,
proof of my addiction of second-hand emotions.

Regardless, I straightened myself up on my fake leather office chair
and adjusted the pen in my hand.

The poem could now begin.


  1. eu gosto muito das coisas que vc escreve, mas não sou fã de metalinguagem de um modo geral...


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