king missile

King missile
that´s how you make me feel sometimes

king missile
a kingly missile catapulted right into oblivion.

It lands on the land where
emaciated faces never exchange glances
they desfigure themselves, shape-shifting,
some of our guilt carry on on those faces.

king missile
it streaks the sky in pale roars
yet deafeningly misses,
striking collaterals of varied damages.

it defies the laws of trajectory and ballistics,
defies time and illusion,
it caresses tall buildings and immigrant hopes
before landing among those emaciated faces
with momentous thunder,
that´s how you make me feel sometimes,
not with a whimper, but a bang.

king missile,
a magnificent projectile with no sense of purpose.

explosive charges await asunder,
careless fingers following presumptuous orders.


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